Monday, February 24, 2025

Snow FitzSilver (14) - RP Snippet

 Part of a thread where Snow and one of his bosses in the Gilneas Intelligence Service were devising a device they'd created. It had a good character monologue, and I present it here. 

Snow, brought up by an Ironforge paladin with a keen sense of propriety, made sure to look Luna straight into the eyes and not let his gaze register the wet blouse and revealed corset underneath. "Since you aren't quivering with electrical shock from a short-circuit, I assume that the item passed the test?" Focus on her eyes, focus on her face, which always seems to have a tinge of annoyance. "Of course, it might just be you with which she's perpetually annoyed" he thought. In the few weeks while living n Gilneas, he had often found himself dismissed as lesser, being Unafflicted. No doubt they could distinguish between Unafflicted and Affected by scent. He may have normal ears (and hence, normal hearing), but he was well aware of the prejudice, that in the eyes of more than a few, he'd never be considered a true Gilnean, just as there were plenty of Dwarrow who dismissed him as a true citizen of Ironforge because he was human. As Snow could do nothing about the prejudice, he had long since resolved to bury his feelings under a buffoon's guise, and it worked - most of the time.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Gilneas Intelligence Service Playlist

 Gilneas Intelligence Service Playlist

Perfect for genre advantures!

Bond Theme

Secret Agent Man

Nobody's Side

Can You Save Me?

From Russia With Love

Peter Gunn Theme
(My favorite arrangement)

Come Spy With Me

On Her Majesty's Secret Service

Werewolves of London
(OK, not spy music)