Friday, January 10, 2025

Snow FitzSilver (11) - An Agent Recruit of the Gilneas Intelligence Service

Snow did not sit so much as suffer a controlled fall into his rented room in Gilneas City.  Two days ago he had been interviewed by Dominick Corwynn, the Minister of Intelligence of the Gilneas Intelligence Service (more commonly known as the GIS). Snow had been sworn in as an Agent Recruit - an interim rank with no duties or responsibilities. He had been asked to choose a non de guerre, and he had chosen a code name of Orphan, reflecting his origin.

He had been issued a GIS Employee Handbook, and been given a ring to wear; the ring acted as a secure communications channel to the GIS agents. Snow had put it on under his gauntlets.

He had found a room to rent; little more than a closet with a bed and wardrobe. A small basin to washing, a chamberpot under the bed. A footlocker for other belongings.

Cinnamon, the baby lynx kitten he had been adopted by in Mereldar; it had taken one look at Snow and said to itself "Here's a likely sucker meal-ticket!" The little tyrant had claimed Snow's bed, and more importantly, his heart.  She followed him everywhere he would go in Gilneas City; like Snow, she had made the city her new home.

Light knows there were enough rats and other vermin that if something happened to Snow she would never starve.

He had spent the evening reading the GIS Handbook at preparing for his new role; He needed a new uniform for use in clandestine operations; fortunately he had a suitable outfit that he had a laster leatherworker make for him, and that he had modified under the watchful eye of his Engineering mentor, now deceased in the fall of Dalaran, Phredaria Goldgears. 

      Agent Recruit Snow FitzSilver       

The suit now contained a plethora of suitable devices for covert activities:
    -- The gauntlets each had concealed Mecha-Blast Rockets.
    -- The back of the chestplate had a miniature parachute for high-altitude low opening (HALO) descents.
    -- The boots had rocket jump-assist boosters.
    -- The belt contained a Stealthman 54 prototype, allowing Snow to blend into the shadows without using Shadow magic
    -- A Shieldtronic projector, which would provide him with perhaps five seconds of an energy shield.
    -- He wore a belt of small pouches, which held his lockpicking tools, several Crimson Vails for first aid a small thermite grenade, suitable for pyrotechnical needs.

Snow understood that technically the thermite and the mecha-blast rockets were illegal for him to use in the performance of his new duties. but he'd blow up that bridge when it became time for him to cross it.